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Voir aussi
- pour la gestion de la page d’accueil
- Il Filosofo » Filosofo Home-Page Control WordPress plugin
- WordPress: Build a Home Page in 3 Easy Steps at On Influence and Automation
- pour une gestion plus complète encore
- thèmes pour transformer WordPress en CMS
- autres liens intéressants
- WordPress as a CMS – Side by side comparison with Joomla & Drupal
- Non, WordPress nes ert pas qu’à faire des blogs, et je vous le prouve !
- Utilisation originale de WordPress comme CMS : une documentation ! | Here With Me
- Top 20 Plugins To Extend WordPress CMS Capabilities (pour Worpdress 3.0 !)
(…) WordPress 3.0 greatly expands the basic CMS capabilities of WordPress with custom post types and better navigation menus. However, there are a great deal of new plugins available to address the many other aspects of WordPress that can make it confusing for clients and new users. We’ve examined a number of excellent plugins and listed the best here so that you don’t have to spend hours hunting through the WordPress repository. (…) - Entre Drupal, eZ Publish, Joomla, Spip et WordPress: quel CMS choisir ?
- Using WordPress as a CMS article series – Yoast – Tweaking Websites
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- Part One: Professional Tips for Improving WordPress’s Performance for a powerful CMS
- Part Two: 25+ Great Websites Using WordPress as CMS
- Part Three: 40 Exceptional “CMS Enabling” WordPress Plugins (à suivre)
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- WordPress Theme Hacks
WordPress was originally created as a weblog or blog platform. But now WordPress has grown so powerful that you can use it to create any type of website and use it as a Content Management System (CMS). In this article, I’m going to share some of my WordPress tricks with you on how to make a better WordPress theme. I’m not a programmer nor developer, so I will focus more on the frontend development. […] - Les 10 meilleurs plugins pour CMS de WordPress | WordPress tutos
Pour des sites de taille modeste (en incluant des sites de e-commerce simples), WordPress rend de bons services en tant que CMS, rendant facile la maintenance du site et le mise à jour de son contenu. Bien sur, il donne son meilleur avec l’aide d’un bon thème et quelques
super plugins. - Using WordPress as a CMS | Nometech.com
[…] A couple of years ago if I’d said WordPress would make a great CMS, you’d have probably thought I was totally mad! These day however, when you need a simple CMS WordPress is a brilliant option. In this post I’m going to show you how to make your WordPress CMS even better with some simple bits of code and some not so simple plugins. […]